
Tania's Guide To:MJC L5

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Tania's Guide to:

My Japanese Coach

Lesson 5 - Days of the Week

Progress Card
Current: Unit: 1 - Tokyo | Chapter: 1 - Tokyo
This Lesson: Contains: 10 Words
Score: Rank: Baby | Mastered Words: 45
Unlock(s): Game(s): N/A | Lesson: 5

Tania's Character Key :ninjaplot:
...."What does that mean? Oh, there it is!" (๑◕ܫ←๑)

:bomb: | Reminders
「 」 | Romaji
Underlined Words | Titles & Links
:star-empty: | [Beginner Hint] Hints understandable to people who have: SOME knowledge of the Japanese days of the week.
:star-half: | [Higher Level Hint] Hints understandable to people who have: more advanced knowledge in Japanese days of the week or in the Japanese pronunciation overall.
- | A marker that tells you to pause/go on to another character (or separate from the previous one)
[ ] | Pronunciation boxes
:target: | In-Game info, warnings, & tips
@タニア (tania) | My thoughts on the topic or my experience on the topic
:bulletred: | Info about future lessons
:bulletorange: | Info about future chapters

Before We Begin… :sumo:
....Some quick tips, hints, & advice before we start. (*☉౪ ⊙。)
What day is it? No, seriously, what day is it?

In today's oh so wonderful lesson we shall be covering the days of the week woo-hoo~! We shall go over Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, day, today, & yesterday! Oh and be sure to get out a pencil & paper! In this lesson, unlike the last 4, (excluding my rant), we will get a good deal examples of how to put this vocab into sentences. So now, before you begin the lesson, write down the English for these sentences:
"What day is it?"
"It is _______."
"Today is _______."
"Tomorrow is ________."

Well then, for goodness sake, GANBATTE! (がんばって! / Hang in there!) Since this IS the last lesson of this chapter~ Next chapter is 'Chapter 2, Akihabara, (Lessons 6 - 10),' it starts off with lesson 6, 'Kana 1!' *More info in description*

MJC's Lesson / Vocabulary :ninjabattle:
....How the vocabulary is introduced to you in the game. (*☉౪ ⊙。)
"What day is it? きょうはなんようびですか? (kyou wa nan'youbi desu ka?)," is what Hakura starts off the lesson with to give you a look into what we're doing. After that, she tells you what we're going to be covering, which you should know by the name of the lesson. ;p

Next, she then explains that "All you have to do is say 'It is _ _ _ _,'" and then which ever day you wish to use, (most likely today's date)! After this she tells you that it "works out to '_ _ _ _ _ _ です (desu)' in Japanese. にちようびです (nichiyoubi desu). 'It is Sunday,'" and that is how you got your first two 'week-sentences!' :woohoo:

Here is where she just tells you to get comfortable with the vocabulary and to just focus on the sound of her voice, but since you can't hear her without the game, just click the links on the vocabulary. (SERIOUSLY, make sure to be SURE you're pronouncing these right, because these are important vocabulary terms!)

Monday 「」 げつようび (月曜日)
Tuesday 「」 かようび (火曜日)
Wednesday 「」 すいようび (水曜日)
Thursday 「」 もくようび (木曜日)
Friday 「」 きんようび (金曜日)

:star-half: In the game it writes the romaji for kinyoubi as "kin'youbi," you may wonder why? Well it's because it's 'kin' then 'youbi,' instead of 'ki' then 'nyoubi.' The thing is that in Japanese there is basically a character for 'nyo,' but in this case we're are going 'n' then 'yo.'

Here Haruka gives you some great quick advice before proceeding to the next five vocab: "---- (desu) is a form of 'to be' in Japanese. It's a very useful word, and I have a whole lesson dedicated to it."
:bulletred::bulletorange: She isn't kidding when she says that she has "a whole lesson dedicated to it," she DOES have one, it's in chapter 3, lesson 11, 'Desu'; THEN right after it, in lesson 12, 'Desu Tenses,' she goes into it's different versions and when they're used, (examples of the tenses: present positive, past positive, present negative, & past negative), BUT you don't have to worry about any of this for a whole two other chapters. C:

:bomb: Be sure to note that 'desu' means 'to be,' so when used in a sentence it's English translation is just about ALWAYS 'is!' ALSO be sure to remember that desu ALWAYS goes at the end of the sentence, it's not IN every sentence, but when it is, it's at the end! An easy way I figure you could remember it would be how in some older cartoons the little kids/toddlers would always say something like, "Is this present for me? Why it IS for me! IT IS, IT IS!," so be sure to always remember that little kid going "IT IS, IT IS!" when figuring out where desu goes!

Saturday 「」 どようび (土曜日)
Sunday 「」 にちようび (日曜日)
Day 「hi」  (日)
Today 「kyou」 きょう (今日)
Tomorrow 「ashi.ta」 あした (明日)

:star-empty: Are you wondering why I have 'ashita's' pronunciation as 'ashi' then 'ta?' Well that's because the way it's pronounced is more of an 'ahshh,' (with the 'i' becoming silent), then an 'a-shi.' Listen to the link and see for your self. C:
:star-half: BTW, if you paid REALLY close attention or you already know this, but the 'i' isn't ENTIRELY silent, it's still there, but it isn't all that noticeable. The way I pronounce it, (in a VERY broken down way), is "AH-SHH-eh-TAH," see? I kind of feel like a scale going up and down, 'ahshh' would be in the middle, 'e' would be low, and then 'tah' would be high. (ahshh-e-tah)

Game Time! Yes, she goes right to a mini-game after the vocab, no explanations or anything, xP. This lesson's first game is the 'infamous' "Hit-a-Word!"

And here are the two sentence examples on how to say what today and tomorrow are. POP QUIZ: What is desu and where does it go!? HAH, you looked around the page for the answer, you cheater! D: (xD just wanted to have a little fun with you is all.)

Today is Fridaykyou wa desu」 きょうはきんようびです。
Tomorrow is Saturdayashi.ta wa desu」 あしたはどようびです。

She tells you that 'you're doing great,' and then gets you to get more practice so 'we can move on to the next lesson' with a "Word Search."

After the game she finishes the lesson by telling you in advance that in the next lesson "we're going to practice writing in Japanese!," and then reminds you, "don't forget to master those words!"

Tania's Gameplay Info :ninjastar:
...."HOW DO I PASS THIS GAME!? / Why don't I have all my Mastery Points!?" ( ̄(エ) ̄)

:target: This lesson doesn't have an irregular amount of vocab, nor has it introduced any new game(s), so there isn't any new gameplay info to give you.

Tania's Study Help :yakuza:
...."I just can't seem to remember this one! / Uggh, I keep getting these confused!" (♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡

@タニア The days of the week had never really been my favorites, (until I finally memorized all of them obviously), but they were necessary and even though it was tough to not look back at my notes for the word, I got through it! C:< The BEST way you can go about learning the days of the week is by relating them to their English counter-parts, you can do this by: saying them side-by-side with the English, practicing your sentences with the date among friends/family, and by writing them down in Japanese with or without the English. You just got to practice! Shoot, I didn't fully memorize these till about maybe a few/many months ago, (I really don't know), but that is way over a year from when I 'mastered' the lesson, I can't just 'HIDE' from the vocab, I got to know it! D:<

x3 (*Infamous American Joke) GUESS WHAT!? Chicken Butt! xD *COUGH-COUGH* I know, I fail. D: But seriously, guess what? ANOTHER GenkiJapan video~! Woo-hoo! I love their videos, they make learning stuff easier!
Btw, this is the first video I've linked that doesn't have any irregulars or anything like that, it's JUST like the lesson, but obviously in Kanji. Oh, I forgot to mention, in the video, right under the kanji, it tells you alternative names for the day of the week, I just thought those were really interesting. The reason those are there are because of the fact that the kanji actually represent those things along with the day.

I also found this other video which isn't as appealing, BUT it has ALL the words we covered, (excluding that bonus desu), and even more! You can pause the video and try to see if you know the word before they say it~! (I do not advise that you memorize the extra vocab.)

:sun: "GET SUE OVER HERE RIGHT NAO!" xD Yes, for getsuyoubi I usually either think "Get Sue!" or "(You're gonna) Get Sued!" I relate this to Monday because Mondays are those always not-so-good, ruin-the-fun-of-the-weekend, and really boring days of the week. (The whole process of suing is boring, plus I bet 'Sue' isn't so thrilled about being in trouble, xD) Doesn't 'getsu' sound like a downer? xP
:shamrock: "Caw-yo!" xP Idk what to say for kayoubi, but thinking of a hip crow going "Caw-yo" is awesome. :D 'Ka' sounds a bit happier than 'getsu.'
:sun: "Aww, aren't you the cutest day of the week?" x3 I always thought the Wednesday in Japanese sounded so adorable, and I always remember the English because of the 'wed,' so I think of a cute wedding, xD!
:shamrock: "MONKEY!" Hah, I always remembered mokuyoubi by thinking of a monkey. Alhought, because of that I kind of confused myself and ended up remembering it as 'monkuyoubi,' ^^; I'm so silly.
:sun: I dunno why, but kinyoubi always made me think of having a party, xD! PARTY! :party:

:shamrock: I tend to recognize doyoubi as Saturday since it's the day most people work and make some 'DOUGH,' (money).
:sun: Hmm... I can't really think of anything for nichiyoubi, I always recognized it as the last one/the odd one out. It's just so long, compared to the others.
:shamrock: Hi sounds just as short and sweet as day. C:
:sun: It just struck me as today since it has 'you' like all the days of the week.
:shamrock: Ashita reminds me of tomorrow because it sounds like ash, which you only get AFTER a fire, like how you only get tomorrow AFTER today. :3

:music: x3 You like my bullets in this lesson? I do! xD I picked them because March just started, which means Spring is just around the corner!
:cd: Okay then, I don't have much to say other than to ask you a question: "What day is it? きょうはなんようびですか? (kyou wa nan'youbi desu ka?)"
:pointl::pointl: First Lesson | :pointl: Previous Lesson || Lesson List || Next Lesson :pointr: | Last Lesson :pointr::pointr:

:pointl::pointl: First Chapter | :pointl: Previous Chapter || Chapter Index || Next Chapter :pointr: | Last Chapter :pointr::pointr:

:pointl::pointl: First Unit | :pointl: Previous Unit || Unit Glossary || Next Unit :pointr: | Last Unit :pointr::pointr:

Next Chapter: Akihabara
In the next chapter you are mainly focused on learning kana, hiragana to be in fact, the ones you learn are: the vowels, the K's, S's, T's, N's, and H's; WITH their (if any) dakutens/handakutens: the G's, Z's, D's, B's, and P's. Plus, in between lessons, you learn the months and pronouns.

Next Lesson: Kana 1
In this lesson Hakura does a brief explanation on the three different writing styles, (Kanji and Kana: Hiragana & Katakana), then teaches you the vowels, the K's, (can be considered the C's, but is just about always K), and the K's dakuten forms, (when " are added above the character), the G's! You get a new game to practice your strokes, (STROKE ORDER IS UBER IMPORTANT IN JAPANESE)!

Extras / Links
Hey, if you have noticed, I have edited the little lesson bar-thing, and now I've added one for chapters since this was the last lesson for chapter:Tokyo.

I WILL be changing all the other ones from previous lessons to look like this one, but since I'm typing this RIGHT-BEFORE-SCHOOL-STARTS, (xD), I may not get to all of them before I leave for school.

:pointr: Come to my "My Japanese Coach" gallery for all the lessons, info on units, chapters, & lessons, links to my My Japanese Coach on Amazon, the unit indexes, & my other Japanese galleries. :magnify:

:pointr: Want to know what the newest updates are, or what I'm planning for when? Come and check out my new 'Updates' page! (Lolz I am planning to update this, the last time I used it was in August) :magnify:

:pointr: Still want to know more about My Japanese Coach, why/how I make these or some broad comments on MJC maybe even some suggestions to my lessons? Come & give/ask them in my "FaQs & Help" page. :magnify:

:bulletred: Unit(s) Glossary ~ [link]
...*Here is the glossary with all the info on each unit, then chapter, then a list of each lesson.


:bulletwhite: I Love Japanese ~ [link]
...*Here's the group that inspired me to make these lessons, you can find other deviations with different lessons, & other deviants who would love to practice with you.

Study Games
Here are some games you can make/do by yourself to help you study~ I will get to this, eventually! Dx

© 2012 - 2024 789lol
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PinkutoMomo32's avatar
What's "wa" for? :/